What’s new in React 18?
DATE:Introduction: What is React? React is an independent and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces.The current version of React 18 provides developers with improved features to create a Great User Experience. Some of the improvements are Automatic Batching: Groups all state updates which in turn improves performance. Transitions: Is now more sophisticated and …
Which 9 Skills Make You an Expert ReactJS Developer in 2022?
DATE:40.14% of software developers worldwide reportedly use React.js. The Meta (Facebook) offering is arguably the most loved since it overtook jQuery as per the 2021 Developer Survey by Stack Overflow. So what are the most essential skills, if you wish to get into the league of expert React Developers in 2022? Read to find out! What …
Which 9 Skills Make You an Expert ReactJS Developer in 2022? Read More »
How to Create a React Native NPM Package?
DATE:NPM is a Package Manager for Node JS. It was first created in 2009 as an open-source project to help JavaScript developers to easily share their code in the form of packages. NPM allows you to install the various public packages for the project. NPM has over 8,00,000 packages with public access. My intention behind …
React Redux – The art of state management
DATE:React is one of the most popular technologies for front-end development, which uses a component based approach to enable fast app development. Redux is a predictable state container for JS apps, and works particularly well with React. In this article, I will be covering some basics on how to set up React-Redux for state management …