Implementing Active Directory in a .NET application with Multiple Roles

The need for a directory of users arises when various devices are used on the same network. It is crucial to locate the directory on one central source, known as Active Directory. It helps validate and authenticate multiple users accessing all resources on the domain with a single sign-on. In this blog, we will demonstrate …

Implementing Active Directory in a .NET application with Multiple Roles Read More »

Monolith and Microservices

What, Why, and How of Microservices?

What are Microservices? Historically applications were Monolithic applications where the architecture was a unified and closely coupled integrated unit. Microservices, on the contrary, are smaller independent unified business modules. Each module in Microservices performs its own unique business functionality, at times with dedicated databases. As shown in the above image, the architecture of Microservices consists …

What, Why, and How of Microservices? Read More »


How MetaSys handled performance Issues related to Entity Framework

In building web applications for clients, two important factors we at MetaSys focus on are performance, and speed of development. Good performance is crucial for the success of any web application, as users expect pages and screens to load instantly. Users will quickly stop using slow programs in favour of other web or mobile applications. …

How MetaSys handled performance Issues related to Entity Framework Read More »


A Case Study – Building a Dashboard using Google charts in ASP.NET

Tracking KPIs, metrics and any other relevant data is important for any business looking to improve their performance, and proper visualisation can be helpful for identifying trends and patterns. A useful information management tool is a dashboard, which can be used to provide a graphical summary of all relevant information. This article details a recent …

A Case Study – Building a Dashboard using Google charts in ASP.NET Read More »

Portability summary

Converting an MVC web APP to .Net Core Web App

History Like many others, we have been working on MVC 5 based web applications since 2013. With Microsoft planning significant investment into the open-source development platform .Net core, we saw the advantage of migrating our current applications to the new platform sooner rather than later. The first version of .Net Core 1.0 was released by …

Converting an MVC web APP to .Net Core Web App Read More »